
Global Worldwide – 4G/5G from RM11/Day (eSIM) (Total Data)

In Stock

Original price was: RM358.00.Current price is: RM179.00.

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Coverage Area
1 Afghanistan 31 Denmark 61 Japan 91 Nigeria 121 Swaziland
2 Albania 32 Dominican Republic 62 Jordan 92 Norway 122 Sweden
3 American Samoa 33 Ecuador 63 Kazakhstan 93 Oman 123 Switzerland
4 Argentina 34 Egypt 64 Kenya 94 Pakistan 124 Taiwan
5 Armenia 35 Estonia 65 Kuwait 95 Panama 125 Tajikistan
6 Australia 36 Faroe Islands 66 Kyrgyzstan 96 Papua new guinea 126 Tanzania
7 Austria 37 Fiji 67 Laos 97 Paraguay 127 Tonga
8 Azerbaijan 38 Finland 68 Latvia 98 Peru 128 Tunisia
9 Bahrain 39 France 69 Liechtenstein 99 Philippines 129 Turkey
10 Bangladesh 40 French Polynesia 70 Lithuania 100 Poland 130 U.S.A
11 Belarus 41 Gabon 71 Luxembourg 101 Portugal 131 UAE
12 Belgium 42 Georgia 72 Macao 102 Puerto Rico 132 Uganda
13 Bhutan 43 Germany 73 Macedonia 103 Qatar 133 Ukraine
14 bolivia 44 Ghana 74 Madagascar 104 Reunion 134 United Kingdom
15 Bosnia and Herzegovina 45 Gibraltar (UK) 75 Malawi 105 Romania 135 Uruguay
16 Brazil 46 Greece 76 Malaysia 106 Russia 136 Uzbekistan
17 Brunei Darussalam 47 Greenland 77 Maldives 107 S.Korea 137 Vanuatu
18 Bulgaria 48 Guam 78 Malta 108 Salomon Archipelago 138 Vatican
19 Cambodia 49 Guatemala 79 Mauritius 109 Salvatore 139 Vietnam
20 Canada 50 Honduras 80 Mexico 110 San Marino 140 Virgin Islands (United States)
21 Chad 51 Hong Kong 81 Moldova 111 Saudi Arabia
22 Chile 52 Hungary 82 Monaco 112 Senegal
23 China 53 Iceland 83 Mongolia 113 Serbia
24 Columbia 54 India 84 Morocco 114 Seychelles
25 Congo 55 Indonesia 85 Montenegro 115 Singapore
26 Costa Rica 56 Iran 86 Nauru 116 Slovakia
27 Croatia 57 Isle of Man 87 Nepal 117 Slovenia
28 Cyprus 58 Israel 88 Netherlands 118 South Africa
29 Czech 59 Italy 89 New Zealand 119 Spain
30 Democratic Republic of Congo 60 Ireland (Republic of) 90 Nicaragua 120 Sri Lanka
Local Carrier The system automatically assigns carriers based on availability.
Type (Total): Total plan is high speed of 6GB and unlimited data with 128kbps. Reduce speed to 128kbps for remaining days if total data exceeds.
eSIM  This is an eSIM, Not a Physical SIM!
Kindly note that not all devices support eSIM. Before placing order, please confirm phone can support eSIM https://www.his.com.my/esim-supported-phones-list/
eSIM is Data-Only and does not come with a number. Traditional calls or text messages are not permitted.
You can use Apps like WhatsApp/WeChat to access local data to make calls or send messages without paying pesky roaming charges.
Activation  eSIM activation is following Malaysia Time zone (GMT+8) , 12am-11:59pm will be counted as one completed section day of the package.
Internet Speed High Speed 4G/5G (Depends on the local carrier)
Speed ​​may vary by location, network conditions, weather conditions or other factors.
Additionally, natural obstacles like tall buildings, mountains, or even large bodies of water can obstruct the signal and result in slower internet speeds.
Hotspot Yes, you can share connection with other devices via hotspot. However, more devices connected, the more network bandwidth will be divided among those devices, which may result in slower speeds. You can focus on one hotspot at a time and avoid slowing down the internet.
eSIM QR code The eSIM QR code will deliver via Email within 48 hours (except weekend/public holiday) , kindly make sure your email address is correctly provided.
Please use eSIM within 30 days of purchase.
Cancelation Non-refundable.

eSIM Supported Phones List

eSIM makes it more convenient to access the internet without a physical SIM card.To use an eSIM, your device must be carrier-unlocked and eSIM-compatible.

Add/install eSIM

Please add the eSIM on the same day with your departure or arrival in travel destination.
To add the eSIM, you have to connect the WIFI or hotspot first.
Notes: eSIM activation is following Malaysia Time zone (GMT+8) , 12am-11:59pm will be counted as one completed section day of the package.


If you are unable to connect the internet, please set APN manually.

✔ Setting > Sim card mobile & network
✔ Click to sim card
✔ Click in Access Point Name
✔ Click “+” add new APN (Global 140 APN : internet)
✔ Restart your phone after APN setting. The SIM card will automatically search for a network.

Additional Notes:

  • Data refreshed & plan validity are based on Malaysia time (GMT+8).
  • If you are unable to connect, it may be because you do not have good mobile signal coverage in your location. In this case, try turning off your phone and turning it back on your phone at another location.
  • If you are crossing the border into another country, some phones might need to be restarted twice.
  • When you return to your home country after traveling, please switch to your own local SIM card. Don’t forget to turn off the data roaming on your phone to avoid unnecessary roaming charges.


1. Can I use the SIM card/eSIM for making traditional phone calls or sending SMS messages?

No, this is a data-only SIM cards. They are specifically designed for data usage and do not include a local phone number for making traditional phone calls or sending SMS messages. However, there are alternative methods available, such as using internet-based calling apps like WhatsApp or utilizing messaging apps with voice call capabilities.

2.What happens if I use a non-compatible device with 4G/5G service?

Using a non-compatible device with 4G/5G service can result in decreased speed, reliability, and limited access to advanced features. Your device may not be able to connect to the network or may experience slower speeds and reduced performance compared to a compatible device.

3. Why does SIM card/eSIM internet speed vary by location?

Factors such as infrastructure availability, population density, distance from cell towers, and environmental variables all contribute to the variation in SIM card internet speed. Urban areas tend to have better infrastructure and higher population density, resulting in faster speeds. In contrast, rural areas often face limitations in network infrastructure, leading to slower speeds.

4. Can I expect reliable internet speed on a cruise?

Internet connectivity on cruises can be challenging due to the limitations of maritime networks. While some cruise ships offer internet access, the speeds may not match those experienced on land. Factors such as the ship’s location, satellite coverage, and the number of users can impact the internet speed on a cruise.

5. How can I improve SIM card/eSIM internet speed in remote areas like forests or mountains?

In remote areas like forests or mountains, the obstacles and interference from the surrounding environment can hinder internet speeds. However, there are strategies to enhance connectivity. These may include using signal boosters, satellite internet, or positioning yourself closer to clearings or higher elevations where the signal is likely to be stronger.

6. What can I do to optimize SIM card/eSIM internet speed in any location?

To optimize SIM card internet speed in any location, ensuring you have a compatible device, keeping your SIM card in good condition, and selecting a reputable network provider can make a significant difference. Additionally, using Wi-Fi networks whenever available, closing unnecessary background applications, and monitoring network congestion can also help improve your overall internet speed.

7. Can I renew or extend the data?

No, you can buy another SIM card/eSIM if you need more data.